Vaccin Numéro Deux

"mmm interesting, what do I do with this cube???"
Today was the second part of my immunisation. I had to have my second shots of vaccinations which will immunise me against DTP-Hib*, Polio and Meningitis C.

*DTP-Hib (Diptheria/Tetanus/Pertussis (whooping cough)

Meningitis C vaccine:

This vaccine is now part of the immunisation program in the UK. It protects against group C meningitis and septicaemia. The new vaccine will not protect against other causes of meningitis and septicaemia. The vaccine is given to babies aged two, three and four months with each of their DTP-Hib and polio immunisations.

This time I went with my papa and I was very brave. I only cried when the doctor put the needle into my skin but it only lasted few seconds. I could feel like a prick, and the discomfort lasted for barely seconds adn after that I was well behaved. When I came home, I was sleeping and it didn't bother me much during the day. Maman looked after me all day and did not let me cry at all. She took me outside for some fresh air, she would carry me and comfort me whenever I would cry.

I am lucky that this time I haven't developed high temperature but quite mild and bearable.


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