Un, Deux, Trois, ...
Yesterday I had a very interesting day with maman. In fact, I went to maman's work place.
As usual, I made an impact on my entrance at school. As soon as we passed the gate, the fire alarm went off - I knew it happened because of my presence.Whenever there is an important event, there is always something dramatic happening.
So all of a sudden we could see all the students rushing out for safety but obviously it was a false alarm and they were soon called back. So again they all came on our directions with their "ohhs" and "ahhs, he is so cute, ..." By now, I am used to these compliments.
Can someone give me an answer to this question?
When is a baby not cute???
We both made our way to the staff room and I noticed all the teachers had their eyes set on "moi". Once again I was the centre of attention. After a while, some of them wanted to hold me, hug me and give me a cuddle. During all that time, I was on my best behaviour, I did not cry but was on the contrary very observant and finally lost the concentration and went to sleep.
Well, No tantrums!!!
Later on, we went to the French Department where maman works and she was chatting to her colleagues and after a while, I finally got bored and tired and we headed home for a big feed.