Chapeau Paille, Chapeau Paille ...
Downside:- it is so hot that the horrible sun has burnt my skin (especially the forehead) despite wearing a chapeau (hat) plus the cream. What a hard life I have!!
Revenge:- In the evening I would cry uncontrollably for not very long and both maman and papa would get fed up of my loud scream. And my cry would put me to bed for the night. Sometimes I think they are really not bothered about me since they know my game too well.
Other activity that I enjoyed was the Mum Group that maman and I attended. Again outside the house, I am extremely well behaved. Maman put me on the playmat as soon as we reached - I played, looked at other babies, other mums chatting away and off I went to sleep. I was very happy that day!! Hope next week is the same.