Vaccin Numéro Trois

getting ready to pay a visit to the doc

Today was the third part of my immunisation. I had to have my third shots of vaccinations which will immunise me against DtaP / IPV / Hib & PCV and Men C.

DtaP / IPV / Hib & PCV & Men C
Diptheria - This starts with a sore throat but can rapidly get worse, leading to severe breathing difficulties. It can also damage the heart and nervous system.

Tetanus - a bacteria from soil that gets into the body through cuts and causes muscle stiffness.

Pertussis - a severe whooping cough which can last for months and can cause breathing problems and even death.

Hib - is a lethal bacterium, which causes meningitis and a dangerous form of throat swelling called epiglottitis, which affects young infants.

PCV - Pneumococcal Conjugate Vaccine is a new addition to the immunisation schedule from Sept 2006. Pneumococcal bacterium vaccine can cause pneumonia, septicaemia (blood
poisoning) and meningitis, and is also one of the most common bacterial causes of ear infections.

Meningitis C - one of the serious causes of meningitis and serious blood infections in children. Although uncommon now, prior to the introduction of the vaccine it was the most common killer in the 1-5 age group.

I have to admit that I cried a fair bit when I was being injected with all these small amounts of viruses in my little body .This time I was not sleeping but was wide awake and I guess that made matters worse when I felt the prickly needle in my flesh. Sadly, I had a doctor who was a bit more cruel hance not gentle. The way he injected me was like he was putting a nail in a coffin (that kind
of action).

I had three injections in all - one in the right thigh, and two in the other one. I was bruised on the left thigh and now it has developed like a small lump. After the injections were done, I stopped crying and maman took me home.

After Effects: I developed a bit of temperature. I was very cranky and guess what? I looked like a prawn - both my cheeks were red and they stayed like that till the next day. I also did not want to be left alone by myself.

Ohhhh, I hate injections - they hurt so much but I guess I don't have a choice since it has to get done for my benefits. I need to be immuned against some parasites and nasty viruses that exist in this wide world.
feverish, exhausted .... and flat out


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