Jamais Deux Sans Trois
I am officially three months old and I am getting bigger. My small world is getting wider too.
As time goes by, I know the familiar faces like maman, papa and my grand-father. As soon as I see them, I have a big smile on my face. I enjoy it when they play with me and I respond a small conversation that only I can understand. Sometimes it can last for quite a while.What I enjoyed has to be when maman asks me to count with her (the number of toes and fingers) and asks me to repeat with her, I count with her but in my own "baby" language.
When I am happy, I can blow bubbles by the bucket, and when I am upset I can scream the place down to show my real and utter frustration and I know I win the game most of the time.
Sometimes I enjoy hearing myself scream, it's fun fun fun!!!