
Today, I went to Wembley Outlet with my family for an outing. Everywhere we went, it was so Christmassy and so beautiful. We went to do some shopping. Now that I am growing up so fast, I am outgrowing my clothes very fast. This can be worrying at times - sometimes I wonder myself how tall am I going to get??

All the Christmas decorations and themes ...

After all the shopping was done, it was time to replenish on the food. I was ravenous and needed some food. Normally, I am not a fussy eater apart - I can eat anything except having salad daily that can be a chore for me.

After lunch, it was time again to go for another walk beofre heading home. My brother had a photo taken next to the statue of a famour football player called "Sir Bobby Moore". he was so excited, he likes playing football unlike me. It was a nice day - I enjoyed it fully. 


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