Star of the day!

Today, people who are responsible at my reigious school have started a new thing to get students more involved in the lesson. It is called "Star of the day".

To get it, you have to be mature,behave well and try to answer all the questions that your teacher asks you to do! When they were giving the certificates, my mind was saying that I will not get it  because in my class, there are many more and better students than me. All of a sudden, I heard from year eight it was...Ahyan Remtulla!!! 

At first, I was so nervous but then I heard that my name was called and my friends were looking at me in surprise. I was the first one to get that certificate from my class. Everybody, was so jealous that I was star of the week! I guess that it was my lucky day that day since I also found a dinosaur toy on the stairs. It was from the dinoursaur museum.


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