
For me, there is noone like my maman. She is very dear and special to me. When I wake up in the morning, I have to see my maman, talk to her, say good morning and then start my day. When I feel tired and down, I need a cuddle, a big hug from maman, only then I feel better. When I have done something bad or been naughty, I get told off but I still go to my maman to say sorry - 'du fond du coeur'.

At night, I need my maman to come and lie next to me for few minutes, only then I know I will sleep through the night. Noone can harm me in the night, no monsters, no ghosts, ... NOTHING. Maman, je t'aime!! I have made something special for you maman because you are very special. My teachers helped me creating these wonders. Pout toi maman!!


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