My dear little sweet noisy brother

I am beginning to accept the fact that the new member of the family will not be going soon. Looks like he will stay for longer than I thought. So I need to get use to him. Sometimes I do help maman when she wants me to get something for Zayden like nappy, cream, ...

At the moment I get to play with him even though he cannot respond as yet. I give him a cuddle, I put his pacifier in his mouth when he cries. I have just started asking maman if I can open his nappy when he needs a change but I myself am too small to wipe him and put a new nappy on.

What I like with my brother these days is that he likes staring at me and occasionally gives me the most beautiful smile when I talk to him or when I try to tickle him. He has got such a beautiful and innocent smile.Whenever maman asks him where I am, he will turn round and look for me with a big smile thinking I am not far from him. He is so sweet!!


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