Tooth Fairy

Grumpy Ahyan
Proud with maman
After an agonising week-end for my parents and I, the fairy finally left my beautiful tooth in the mouth - upper left incisor. It feels unusual - now it feels like the tooth is the odd one out. All this time, I've been used to gums, gums and gums and all of a sudden this thing peeks out of my gum. Sometimes I make some funny mouth grins because that tooth is in the way.

Over the week-end, I didn't want to eat or drink I would not let anything get sieved through my mouth. I was cranky and crying all the time.

I so don't want to go through the same painful experience again. Nope, NEVERRR!!!!


Anonymous said…
Hello my bb angel, I wish you good luck for your teeth..unfortunately there will be more. But Maman et Papa will be there for you, and eventually the dentist too :0)

Sois courageux mon grand et tout ira bien.

Aunty Sweety xoxoxo

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