Poisson d'Avril

Et oui aujourd'hui, c'est le premier avril - ainsi donc mon tout premier Poisson d'Avril.
Il ne faut pas oublier que je suis à un mois de mon premier anniversaire.

Today is the first of April, hence April's Fool Day and not to mention I celebrate my 11th month. I am 30 days from turning a year.

Something that is very different to my routine is that maman resumes work today after a year and this has been a bit of a shock for me - the big separation between us. We have never been away from each other for such a long time during the day. I can see that maman is very sad about it, so am I but it is good that I get to meet other kids to play with. I need to socialise with littles ones of my age. And that's quite fun for me!!

Qais and Aisha, my cousins
On the physical side of things, I am still crawling but these days at very fast pace. I try to hold on to things to try and walk but it is so much easier to crawl since I'll get to my destination in the end and in no time at all.

Qais et Moi - he's a very content boy unlike me!!

Teething hasn't been lucky with me so far - I still don't have no tooth yet. And again it really hurts when the gums start to play up. I can get very upset and cranky. That means I can be a tiny tear away for my parents.


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