Attt Choooo ...
That was my very first time!! What is it, can you guess what it is yet? FLU FLU FLU
Last week, I had quite bad flu accompanied by a cough. It all started with a cough and maman thought it was some new sound I was making but then in the evening it got worse since I had the runny nose. It was so inconvenient for me because I couldn't feed properly, I had to stop every few seconds to breathe and then carry on. At night, maman would rub my chess and put Vicks next my nose, and the result: I was like 95% cured with the exception of that nasty runny nose that comes and goes.Oh what I hate this cold weather!!
Now I am feeling much better. My whole day is full of activities: massage that puts me to sleep, and makes me less grumpy. We have our reading session - I like the sounds and colours from the books, we also listen to nice music (every day - different styles) and also very little of tele. Maman doesn't like me watching too much tele, she thinks I will get addicted too much, and finally when the weather is nice, we go for a walk or meet my little buddies.
I think I'm done!!